Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Dog school near me - The big store of animals


Dog school near me

was created in 2012, as a result of detecting a serious problem in society, as far as the dog world is concerned. Many of our clients have serious problems with their dogs due to lack of knowledge of canine education. They do not know where to go or can not afford to pay large amounts to train their dog. That is why we started with this new project and decided to give the service that our customers need, with an unbeatable quality and price.

 In our school you can find the following courses:

1. Civil obedience course:
With this course you can acquire basic knowledge of CANINE EDUCATION, such as walking together, sitting, lying down, standing still, going to the call, sociability with other animals and people, the methods and use of public transport with your pet ... as well as basic knowledge about educational material, nutrition and care of the pet.

Basic obedience:
· Socialization of dogs, people and environment.
· Order of liberation.
· Create link through the game.
· Walk along the strap without pulling.
· Sitting and lying positions.
· Still command.
· Rejection of food from the soil and from a stranger.
· Call order.
Duration : 8 days of 1h approx.
Days : Saturdays and Sundays or Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Advanced Obedience:
· Socialization of dogs, people and environment (Without leash).
· Walk together without a leash with dogs walking by.
· Positions of sitting, lying and standing at a distance.
· Quiet with absence of the owner and with distraction.
· Rejection of food in the order of Free.
· Call from the order of free and playing with other dogs.
· Send the dog to its place (a bed, blanket, cushion, brand ... etc).
Duration : 16 days of 1h approx.
Days : Saturdays and Sundays or Tuesdays and Thursdays.
2. Home obedience course:
Can not come in the hours or days enabled ?, Do you prefer that the canine instructor go to your home? It is no longer a problem. Check the availability of our instructors and the price by filling in the form.

3. Course of professional canine trainer:
Aimed at people who want to be instructors. No previous knowledge is needed. Approved and certified by the ANACP (National Association of Professional Canine Handlers).

· Work will be done under objectives.
· Periodicity : 360h + practices.
· Hours to consult with the speaker.
4. Canine Club:
Directed to former students of the previous courses, who want to continue training or want to compete in ODU (Utility Sports Obedience).

· Periodicity : 360h + practices.
· Schedule : From Tuesday to Sunday both morning and afternoon.
5. Utility sports obedience course (ODU):
It is a canine sport discipline, in which you can compete with any dog ​​regardless of race or age, with or without pedigree.

· Walk together without a leash and change sides on the fly.
· Rejection of food from a stranger.
· Remote positions.
· Stay with distraction.
· Collection of a contribution (Slippers, Wallet, Socks ... etc).
· Sent forward and call on the fly.
· Search of the owner and hidden people.
· Search for a block of wood by smell.
· Send the site and lie down in the last reference of smell left by the dog when lying down.
· Search for a lost item and bring it to you (wallet, pen ... etc).
* You can check prices in any of our stores or by filling out the form on this page.

The Dog school near me does not only work with training courses. We also saw that it was very important to foster adoption and educate new generations of the responsibility and care that animals have, in order to try to end abandonment in our country.

We do all this in an altruistic way, making events throughout the year to promote adoption and education. In addition, we visit the smallest in schools. In this way, we educate them with values ​​towards what a living being means and in what way we can enjoy them responsibly.

We do all this thanks to the collaboration of José García Rivera, a great lover of animals and owner of this great company that today is PETuluku , and without his support we could not have followed this project. Of course to thank also families that have trusted us for the training and education of your best friends (dogs) at this time.

Watch dog school near me become a dog trainer:

tags: dog school, dog school near me, the big store of animals
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